Resale of Property
ReSale of a Home in The Oakhaven Neighborhood
While we thoroughly enjoy the neighbors in our community, we understand that as life changes sometimes it pulls us in new directions where close friends move out, while new families move into the neighborhood.
If such an event is on the horizon for your family and you are potentially going to be selling your property, consider these steps to help ensure a smooth process and to keep the Oakhaven Homeowners Association in the communication loop to support you as needed.
The Oakhaven HOA Resale Certificate and Covenants/By-laws Distribution Process
As you prepare the your home, it is important to make sure the home is in the best possible condition before putting it on the market. This could include making minor repairs, cleaning, and decluttering.
Homeowners preparing to list their home are advised to review the Oakhaven Covenants and address any compliance issues before putting their property on the market. For good measure, it may be good to ensure that annual dues are paid in full and you property is in good standing.
If you do not have a copy of the Oakhaven HOA Covenants & Bylaws, please request a copy by email from the HOA Board if needed or review them here as your listing agent will likely need to provide these to any prospective buyers and their agents.
All communication to/from/between the Oakhaven Board and Oakhaven residents or their real estate agents should be handled via email whereby if phone call is needed please request such.
Once the home ls listed, the homeowner (or listing agent) should notify the Oakhaven HOA Board by email.
Once a contract Is signed and the property goes to "Sale Pending", a Resale Certificate is to be requested by the selling agent via email
Upon receiving this request, the Oakhaven HOA Board will begin the approval process including property evaluation and up-to-date annual dues.
Within five (5) business days of receiving the request, the Oakhaven HOA Board will have completed this approval process and will return the following by email to the requesting selling agent:
Covenants & Bylaws (also available via the Oakhaven HOA Website)
New Resident Information Form (NRIF)
The resale certificate
Notice of $100 resale certificate fee
Oakhaven Board will l then notify respective Oakhaven Welcome Committee Street representative of the new homeowners' move-in date.
The Oakhaven HOA Board Secretary will update email distribution list with contact information for the community directory.
Within 10 days of move-in, the Welcome Committee Street Representative will deliver a welcome package, including neighborhood directory (directory shifting to a secure electronic directory soon)